The People’s Nation 2020

Would you like to support our cause?  Donations gladly accepted!  See above.  Any amount. you decide.  And thanks!

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Our Manifesto

We are One in our unifying purpose, which is to reclaim our nation for "We the People" on election day, November 3rd, 2020.  Toward that end we hereby pledge that to the very best of our abilities between now and then we will work to accomplish these 10 goals:

    •  to have elected a president and vice-president who will restore honor and dignity to these hallowed offices;
    • to have cleaned the Senate as we cleaned the House in 2018 while also reaffirming our need to address Climate Change with the diligence and most noble efforts we can muster;
    • to see our nation well on its way to restoring the worldwide respect and admiration it formerly enjoyed but has lost in the present administration;
    • to know that we have come together as never before, united across all the classes, political parties, races and nationalities that compose our rich heritage;
    • to find security in seeing well underway the first of vigorous efforts to rebind ourselves with our traditional allies;
    • for the hope of affordable health care and equal opportunity in work and education to be restored, creating enormous good will among us, and in particular, among our children and youth;
    • to observe that honesty, thrift and responsible economic goals will have regained preeminence in our monetary policies;
    • to be confident that no foreign government will have successfully interfered with our election processes through  the moment of the last ballot being counted for the November 3rd voting;
    • to have reestablished firmly the principle that  the Rule of Law governs our nation and that no one individual in our society is above that Law, including the president and members of the Cabinet; and lastly
    • to discover that incomparable joy comes to us as we realize we have accomplished these goals without resorting to violence or  bitter verbal attacks aimed at bringing willful harm to those who oppose us.

Please sign below with your e-mail address, if you wish to walk and work joyfully with us all the way to November 3, 2010.

The People's Nation 2020, May 8, 2019

e-mail:  [email protected]

Cell:  512-426-2427