Trash Talk and Our New Rules for Public Speech

Before  we could say "horse's rear" the rules for public discourse  changed.

Dramatically!  Or, more up-to-date, "very much."

Trash Talk—hereafter known as TT— is in.  Ivy League discourse is out.

Long words are taboo.  Short, vulgar, sexy words are the talk of every town.

And every where else, from the White House to the Out House, permanent and portable.

TV and Hollywood have been the leading change makers.  The "f___"  word,  the full-length "SOB,"  and the Mother of all F-words" are heard frequently, more often in fact than "breaking" news, which has become "f------" nauseous.

How?  or Why?

Clarity.  It's the way strong, powerful people talk.  It's a declaration of freedom from the bondage back-room and sailor language  have endured in the western world for centuries.

TT has made America "great again."

When did TT talk begin to be accepted Public Talk?

That's a very hard question to answer.

We could go back to 1939 and say the TT began when Rhett told Scarlett he didn't give a "you-know-what" anymore.

But we don't need to go back that far.  Try 2016 and the first mention of "groping' by a presidential candidate.

At that moment, the dam (excuse me) broke.  TT began to flow and has become a flood tide worse than hurricanes Harvey, Maria, Florence and Michael combined—word-wise.

The advent of TT has had several serious consequences, like diarrhea of the mouth, physical deformations (in hair-style, for example) and music that hip-hops to  the same beat.

For these very wonderful new public word-uses  brought about by modern TT, one person deserves 99.9% of the  credit.

That is, of course, DT.