Daily Devotion – 5 January 2022

One Spirit

The news from Washington DC this week has been all about the paralysis in the House electing a new Speaker.  As of today, the stalemate has gone through six unsuccessful votes.

Where is that One Spirit we're supposed to have?  Gone or in hiding, we are required to respond.

To some greater, or lesser degree we are always divided; and it's not always bad; we are a diverse people with diverse talents and interests.

But as a people, the absence of unity can be catastrophic and symptomatic of a much more serious illness:  widespread disillusionment accompanied by anger and a whole lot of finger-pointing.

We cannot, we must not, however, blame others.  We are responsible.  It's up to us to be One in the Spirit, to identify in life with one another and constantly being alert to ways we can know we are united.

Saint Augustine said, "Love God, then do as you please."

Do we love life?  Do we hold precious the lives of others, even those who are of a different color, different language, or different nation?

We're in this together, folks.  Let's live like we believe that!!!