Daily Devotion – 6 January 2023

Mass Love - the Only Solution

Another mass killing.  We've heard and read this headline so many times, we've come to expect it.  Seldom a day goes by it goes unposted.

Which is worse, we might sarcastically ask?   A dark of the night knife slaying of four young women?  Or, a family member killing seven of his family, then himself?

Every such report, regardless of the number slain or how, is chilling.

A single sentence condemns our culture:  We have become a society of hate and despair, one which isolates individuals who have no meaningful sense of place and are thus led to commit atrocious acts that, they believe may make them into "somebodies."

How can love be regained after it has been lost?  That is the key question.  And it means that to stop the senseless slayings we must find a way to recover a society-wide love for humanity in which all individuals are included and therefore each feels of self-worth.

As a pastor, I am well aware that the creation of an all-encompassing love of every one is now the No. 1 task of  all churches,

But, no, we too have been caught up in the senseless quest for money and power, despite all the hoopla that has surrounded the discussions of abortion, which, I firmly believe, has given the anti-abortionists a deserved reputation as being closed to the love of all of life, including the born and the unborn, as well as all persons who have lived, are living and will ever live in the future.  And, Yes! Those on death row.

Romans 12:9-10: Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor.

Fernando Cantu, Daily Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for coming to heal us. When our heath takes a turn and we pray to you for healing, you hear our prayers. Help us to be more like You and to have a greater awareness of the spiritual needs of others. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we pray. Amen.