“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.”
― Albert Einstein

THE DISCOVERY ACADEMY, an affiliate of Texosport,* will offer a refresher course, possibly new to some, beginning June 10, 2022 and continuing through August 1, or until a student has finished the course, at the completion of which the student will receive an official certificate.

The course fee will be $15 prior to June 6, and $25.00 after June 6, 2022.  The course will extend over approximately six weeks and will include assignments, online lecture witnessing and a final exam.

Registration fees should be mailed to  The Discover Academy, Dr. Andrew Pate, Pres., 1312 Essex Green, College Station, TX 77845.

Along with the required fee, each applicant must provide an e-mail address and phone number.

Thank you for your interest.

**Texosport and The Discover Academy are both extensions of Andrew Pate Ministries.